5 archery tips for beginners

Kristen Schmitt’s “Locavore Blog” is originally published at “Deer and Deer Hunting.”


I was nervous walking into the indoor archery range the first time after being fitted for my compound bow. And I will admit that it wasn’t what I expected — not that I knew exactly what to expect. The walls were plastered with targets of prior shooters who hit the bulls-eye so many times that the paper target was worn through in the center and half of the room was set up for a 3-D computer-based archery target game — a game that I’m not quite ready to try YET.




I stood in the target area, fresh target hanging, awaiting my first shot. To go from never shooting an arrow to suddenly standing on a range is quite the adrenaline rush – and one that everyone should experience, whether you want to hunt or just learn how to shoot a bow and arrow.

I learned a lot from a single lesson at the indoor archery range. It was definitely worth my time and a great way to start and practice before spring has sprung.


5 Archery Tips for the Archery Novice:

1. Nocking the arrow. Listen for that audible click as you snap the arrow onto the bowstring as it means the arrow is now locked onto the string before dropping the arrow into the bow rest. I’m using the whisker biscuit rest, which is a full capture rest.

2. Setting your bow hand. Keep your hand in a forward position and let the bow rest gently in your hand – there’s no need to grip it hard. The bow should be resting in the web of the hand between your index finger and your thumb. Relax the rest of the hand.


Read more archery tips for beginners at Deer and Deer Hunting.

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    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.