5 Shooting-Competition Extras 

Michelle Cerino lists 5 things she includes for shooting competition … little extras that make all the difference in the world.

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She Shoots 2 is sponsored by Galco Gunleather.


Packing for a weekend match is always extremely time-consuming. Sure, there are the obvious items to pack: my firearms, gear and ammunition. But then comes the other stuff—you know, the products that make life just a little more bearable when I’m out in the elements.


Chris Cerino photo

  1. The Schemagh is a traditional Middle Eastern headdress used to protect oneself from the sun, blowing dust and cold nights in the desert. At the range, I cover my firearms with my schemagh on the preload table to protect them from the heat of the sun, potential rain and dust. Recently, while shooting long-range rifle in direct sunlight and 98-degree temperatures, I shrouded the top of my head and shoulders with my schemagh, then wiped up the sweat I’d dripped on the stock of my rifle. (It’s difficult to shoot out to 500 yards while your cheek is sliding off a sweat-drenched stock.) Schemaghs are made from 100 percent cotton, so they are perfect in the rain for drying equipment. And yes, on those rare, unexpected cold mornings, I’ve also wrapped a schemagh around myself trying to stay warm.Lens-cleaning-cerino


2. Lens Wipes come in many different forms. I always attach the pouch that holds my microfiber lens-cleaning cloth to my range bags. It’s easy to get to, and it works great for situations that involve sweat or rain on my lenses. For those times when dirt, fingerprints, or unknown gunk appears on my glasses, I carry packets of disposable pre-moistened lens-cleaning wipes. Both products are small and convenient to carry.Electrolyte-Tablets-Cerino



3. ElectrolyteEnhanced Drink Tablets are the perfect way to keep from crashing on long days. Enclosed in small tubes, they fit easily in any range bag. There are many different flavors and brands, so it’s just a matter of taste preference. Make sure to read the directions so you know how much water to mix the tablet into.



Michelle sports a Frog Toggs head wrap. (Colton Cerino photo)


4. Cooling Products are the extras I bring that many fellow competitors envy. As I’ve mentioned in Keeping Cool on a Hot Range, numerous products are available to aid in keeping your body temperature down, including Polar Products cooling clothing, O2Cool personal fans and misting bottles, Omni-Freeze Zero cooling technology fabric and Frogg Toggs hyper-evaporative material that provides a refreshing feeling. As your core temperature increases, your performance declines. Heatstroke and heat exhaustion are serious conditions. You should always take precautions to avoid a situation that could lead to them.Bug-and-Sun-Spray-Cerino


5. Sunscreen and Bug Spray are musts for any trip. Sun protection is important for various health reasons…and honestly, when I get sunburned, it makes the next few days of the match really uncomfortable. Bug spray keeps me from losing my mind. Between the biting flies, mosquitos and ticks, I practically exhaust myself swatting and shoeing these evil beings away.

Just remember, with a little more packing, you can make your competitions all the more comfortable and enjoyable. What extras do you bring along?


  • About Michelle Cerino

    Michelle Cerino, aka Princess Gunslinger, first entered the firearms industry in 2011 as co-owner, president and trainer at a national training company. She immediately began competing in both 3-Gun and NRA Action Pistol, becoming a sponsored shooter. Michelle is currently a columnist and Managing Editor of Women’s Outdoor News, as well as owner of Pervenio LLC. She also manages social media for Vera Koo and FASTER Saves Lives. Michelle encourages others to step out of the comforts of home and explore.