Spot & Stalk Strategies: Sunday on Winchester Deadly Passion

MINNETONKA, MN; (July 20, 2016) — On this week’s Winchester Deadly Passion, hosted by Melissa Bachman, learn all the best strategies for spot and stalk hunting with a collection of Bachman’s favorite big game hunting moments. From mule deer in Montana to black bear in Alaska, Bachman enjoys pursing prey at eye-level. Tune in for the action on Winchester Deadly Passion on Sportsman Channel Sunday, July 24 at 11:30 a.m. ET.

Watch a sneak peek!

I am an aggressive hunter in that I like to be on the ground moving at eye level any chance I can get,” said Bachman. “Its about making the right moves to make it happen, so this show is some of my best spot and stalk scenarios that I hope viewers can take away a few key strategies for their own hunts.



The Memory Chase segment in this week’s show is 9-year-old Nathan Perry from Croswell, Michigan who is after his first doe with his Mathews bow (something he shares several times). Nathan received a Mission Vertical bow, Winchester Waterproof Blanket and swag, Hunter Safety System Vest, Ani-Logics Braggin Rights Attractant, Wildlife Research Center Gold Scent Elimination Pack, Easton Youth Bow Case, Boss Buck Feeders swag, Engel Cooler dry box, Rage Broadheads, Realtree EZ Hanger, Field & Stream backpack, Caldwell Hearing Protection and Moose Utility Division swag for being selected. Submit youth videos for Memory Chase at

Learn more about Winchester Deadly Passion at http://MelissaBachman.Com on, Instagram at and http://Facebook.Com/WinchesterDeadlyPassion

About Winchester Deadly Passion: Every good hunter needs a solid role model, and Melissa Bachman, host of Winchester Deadly Passion, fits that bill perfectly with a unique ability to share her love for hunting with passionate fans and viewers. Winchester Deadly Passion is 26 weeks of non-stop action and pure entertainment as Melissa travels the globe going head-to-head with everything from world-class red stag and thousand pound gators to Boone and Crocket whitetails and thunderous bull elk. With rifle, bow or shotgun in hand, Melissa’s fast-paced, in-the-moment hunting style will keep you on the edge of your seat, while her expertise and decades of experience give viewers useful tips and strategies they can use afield.

About Winchester Ammunition

The iconic Winchester brand celebrates 150 years of legendary excellence in 2016—a historic milestone representing a steadfast commitment to the hunting and shooting sports traditions and future generations of sportsmen. A world leader in delivering innovative products, Winchester is The American Legend, a brand built on integrity, hard work and a deep focus on its loyal customers. Learn more about the history of Winchester by visiting or connect with us on Facebook at

Spot & Stalk Strategies on Winchester Deadly Passion 

Sunday 11:30 a.m. ET on Sportsman Channel

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.