How to Make Upcycled Bottle Cap Flowers

As the threat of frost disappears and the sun shines longer in the day, flowers are planted all around the neighborhood. Here is a way to create easy, DIY garden decorations, using common items from your house. Keep reading for a step-by-step instruction for making these Upcycled Bottle Cap Flowers!

Upcycled Bottle Cap Flowers Red
Upcycled Bottle Cap Flowers Blue

Upcycled Bottle Cap Flowers List

Gather the following materials:

  • Parchment or newspaper
  • Hot glue gun, and a handful of glue sticks
  • Wooden BBQ skewers or popsicle sticks (1 per flower)
  • Discarded bottle caps (7 per flower) – My husband bottles home brew, so I scrounged caps from his stash. However, used beer bottle caps are perfect, and create an upcycled product!
  • Nail polish – I used all the funky, old, random polish colors amassed over many years of selecting my nail color on a whim!
Upcycled Bottle Cap Flowers Materials


First, cover your working surface with parchment or newspaper. While your glue gun heats up, arrange 7 bottle caps (face down) on the paper for each flower. Glue together each cap, making sure enough glue is applied to secure the caps together. 

Upcycled Bottle Cap Flowers Glue

While your glued caps cool, select nail polish for each flower. I sorted through my basket of polish, wondering “why the heck does a 34-year-old woman who predominately wears neutral-colored clothing have so much glitter polish?” and “how in the world did this polish from 1995 survive 9 moves and approximately 15 personal style changes?!” This craft is a fantastic way to use up old nail polish.

Turn over the caps and paint them in a IN A WELL-VENTILATED AREA. Let me say this again – be sure to work in a well-ventilated area (preferably outside!) where you won’t finish painting the flowers, then immediately make some questionable online purchases or be overcome with the need to finish off that last bag of Cheetos in the pantry!

I recommend covering each cap with 2-3 coats of polish, which creates an extraordinarily STRONG smell of ethyl acetate. Remember – you don’t need that $30 shaggy Sherpa coat that Amazon keeps asking you to buy. It’s May, and Sherpa can’t possibly still be on trend in the fall.

Upcycled Bottle Cap Flowers Nail Polish

Upcycled Bottle Cap Flowers Final Product

When the nail polish is dry, glue a wooden skewer to the backside of each flower. Allow the glued flower to cool, flip and plant!

I think these would make great gifts for Mother’s Day, as well!

Upcycled Bottle Cap Flowers Final Product

Don’t want to DIY? Here are a few garden decoration ideas from local suppliers:

Dollar General


Tractor Supply

  • About Jackie Richardson

    Jackie Baird Richardson is an interior designer, editor at The WON and avid junker. Watch for her design tips and occasional crafting ideas, bringing the outdoors indoors.