21 Prepping Tasks You Can Implement Right Now

Rogue Preparedness has quickly become a prepping inspiration. In this featured post, she shares easy tasks that help jump-start your prepping journey. ~ The Editors

Don’t wait for that “perfect” moment to get prepared. There is no perfect moment. All you have is now and you’re the only one in control of how well prepared you are.


Not everything has to be complicated, either. While there might be tasks that take more time or larger investments, certainly put those on your list of things to do, but there are plenty of things that can be done RIGHT NOW!

Here are 21 prepping tasks you can do RIGHT NOW!

Make a budget – This is a fairly simple task that can be completed with minimal effort, depending on how you already track your spending. Big part of preparedness is making sure we’re financially set.

Save a buck – even if it’s switching over $1 into a savings account, let’s start saving here and there!

Buy some rice – buying a bag of rice is one of the easiest things you can do. Of course, if you don’t eat rice, then try to get something else non-perishable and fairly cheap, like a can of food.

Make a buddy burner – this is a fun project and really easy. Here’s how to make a buddy burner:

Make an emergency disaster plan – take a look at my guide to easily make an emergency disaster plan TODAY!

Get a flashlight – any ol’ flashlight or headlamp will do. I like these cheap headlamps right here.

Take notes – make lists and take notes. Getting your ideas and aspirations out onto paper is a huge relief. You now have everything right there in front of you and can easily organize and access. Write down everything from goals to skills you’d like to learn or practice to how often you’d like to workout and everything in between.

Continue reading, “21 Prepping Tasks You Can Implement Right Now” from Rogue Preparedness here.

And check out these ideas for the ultimate prepper DIY projects, also from Rogue Preparedness.

  • About Morgan Rogue

    Morgan lives in Texas with her husband, daughters and 2 dogs. She spends most of her time getting outdoors with her daughters, prepping for emergencies and disasters and teaching others how to be prepared. She also enjoys archery, hunting, fishing, firearms, hiking, camping, HAM, Jeeps and generally getting out and exploring life through epic adventures!