Gun Tote’n Mamas Resource Helps Locate Brand and Retailers

Gun Tote’n Mamas doesn’t just sell concealed-carry bags and purses online and in stores across the country, it also offers a valuable resource to customers who need help for where to find the perfect CCW option. Possibly, they want it before a special holiday or birthday, and wonder if it might be in a store near them? Gun Tote’n Mamas steps in to help answer these questions with its valuable “Store Locater” service, found at the bottom of its homepage.


Retailers who work with this brand appreciate the referrals and, the free marketing the service provides to them. After all, when a woman buys a new concealed-carry bag, she might also have just purchased a new firearm and ammo, while eyeing her next purchase, in the same store. The option to carry completes the purchase.

This service has been available 24/7, 365 days per year. Consumers may also use the FIND-A-Bag service, to find a local store not on the locator. By calling, the service will help direct the consumer to its growing list of available dealers. Born during COVID, its success has only escalated. 

Claudia Chisholm,  president of Gun Tote’n Mamas, said, “This free advertising, a rarity today, has at least 90% engagement. Almost every call-in ends in a local store visit. Our only requirement is that any dealer, in the Store Locator, carries a set minimum of GTM product. We want the consumer visit to be positive and repetitive. To ensure this, we don’t want the consumer to arrive only to see empty shelves.” 

If you are a retailer, wanting to expand your female consumer base, Gun Tote’n Mamas has the product, name recognition, warranty and world class service support needed to attract this explosive market. Let the GTM Store Locator permanently show you mean business!  

About Gun Tote’n Mamas

Gun Tote’n Mamas – Serious for Women’s Protection

Gun Tote’n Mamas is an affordable line of leather purses and handbags, inspired and developed by women. Our parent company, Kingport Industries LLC, is 100% American-women owned and operated since 2002 – celebrating 21 years of supplying the best! Every one of our products has been tested by USCCA and NRA instructors to elite training facilities, including CSI, FBI and Navy SEALS. We respect feedback from citizens who are consumers and concealed carriers. We want to hear it all – we are not afraid of criticism and HIGHLY encourage your feedback. It is comments from the field that will continue to make these bags the best for the jobs they are designed to do. Visit Gun Tote’n Mama’s online.

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.