How Hunting Benefits Everyone

I recently attended the Stag Arms Inaugural Ladies Prairie Dog Hunt in Torrington, Wyoming. One evening, as we were chatting, the matter of the benefits of hunting came up, which inspired the topic of this article. As a group, we decided it’s important to share with non-hunters how hunting benefits everyone. 

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Hunting Benefits for Landowners

Depending on where you live in the U.S., farmers and ranchers see nuisance pests that may wreak havoc on their property. In Ohio, where I live, it’s groundhogs. Out West, it’s the prairie dog. Since this was a prairie dog eradication hunt, I’ll begin there.

When prairie dogs move into a pasture, the borrowing system they create is devastating for a landowner. Prairie dog “towns” that encompass about one acre are called coteries. Each coterie might have 50-to-60 entrance points. Their tunnels descend at steep angles for 7- to 16-feet before leveling off. This terrain change poses a problem to landowners whose animals may step into these holes and break legs. When this happens, the animal, unfortunately, is put down. 

prairie dog holes on land
The white mounds in the distance are all prairie dog tunnel entrances.

Another issue is what a prairie dog eats. They are rodents whose diet consists almost entirely of grasses and other forbs. Praise dogs keep the plants around their burrows clipped short, so they can see any potential predators and because they forage close to home. Since livestock – such as cattle, horses and sheep – also graze on these same grasses/forbs, competition for food can be devastating to ranchers. Prairie dogs also destroy pasture grounds, with their many mounds and areas devoid of growth.

Hunting Benefits for Conservation

Hunting helps fund organizations, research and projects dedicated to environmental conservation through the Pittman-Roberson (PR) excise tax. Enacted in 1937, at the request of hunters and recreation shooters, the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (also known as the Pittman-Robertson Act) appropriates manufacturer level and supported excise taxes on firearms, ammunition and archery equipment to state wildlife agencies for conservation purposes, hunters education, and programs to increase access for hunting and target shooting. As a result of sales in 2022, the PR generated $1.19 billion for FY23. 

park walking trail

Hunters also support wildlife conservation through the federal Duck Stamp, hunting licenses and tags. Proceeds from the purchase of a federal Duck Stamp help protect and restore habitat for migratory waterfowl, other birds and wildlife. Part of the funding for state wildlife agencies comes from the sale of tags, licenses and additional fees required for hunters. 

testing gear
Gear is put to the test.

Hunting Benefits for Local Economies

Every year, hunters spend a lot of money on equipment, clothing and other hunting supplies. Since many of them travel for their hunts, they also contribute to local economies through the purchase of lodging, dining and more. For some small towns, out-of-state hunters may be the primary customers for small businesses. 

Positional shooting seated
Positional and supported shooting while on a prairie dog hunt.

Hunting Benefits for the Hunter

Just taking into consideration the prairie dog hunt, there are numerous ways we, the hunters, benefited. We were able to practice positional shooting. Standing, kneeling, sitting and even prone, we worked all the positions. While in these positions, we used bags, fenceposts, knees, tripods and anything else we could find for support. We also shot various distances, allowing us to work with range finders and use different holds with our scopes. Nuisance hunting is a great way to practice before hunts on larger animals as well as gain confidence in one’s equipment and shooting ability. 

CT scope on Stag

Final Thoughts 

If you are a non-hunter, I hope you now have a better understanding of the benefits of hunting. Heck, I didn’t even delve into the topic of organic meat or the many people who benefit from the meat donations hunters make. For those hunters that read this, thank you for all you do. 

Stag Arms is continuing to evolve and develop more rifles for hunting. I can’t wait to see what’s next!

Want to know more about Stag Arms? Visit the website here.  

  • About Michelle Cerino

    Michelle Cerino, aka Princess Gunslinger, first entered the firearms industry in 2011 as co-owner, president and trainer at a national training company. She immediately began competing in both 3-Gun and NRA Action Pistol, becoming a sponsored shooter. Michelle is currently a columnist and Managing Editor of Women’s Outdoor News, as well as owner of Pervenio LLC. She also manages social media for Vera Koo and FASTER Saves Lives. Michelle encourages others to step out of the comforts of home and explore.