Gun Owners Care: The Ladies of AOB Talk about Tradition

In January 2020, the National Shooting Sports Foundation launched an initiative  called “Gun Owners Care” (GOC) because it believes the 100 million+ members of the firearms community in America care about their neighbors and communities. Several women from American Outdoor Brands talked to us about tradition in the shooting sports in this video – which is 4th in a 4-part series. We spent an afternoon on the range in Columbia, Missouri, courtesy of American Outdoor Brands.


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Gun Owners Care About Tradition

The NSSF funds several efforts that support shooting traditions in this country, including the following programs.  

Gun Owners Care About Tradition

First Shots

Shooting facilities nationwide invite new participants to experience target shooting and firearms safety through free seminars. Qualified range personnel guide new shooters through firearms safety tips, firearms ownership requirements, shooting fundamentals, hands-on instruction and an explanation and invitation for further training opportunities. All ammunition and firearms, along with range time and targets, is underwritten by the NSSF.

Find a First Shots event near you.

+ONE Movement

The +ONE Movement is a program that encourages shooters and hunters to become mentors. According to the NSSF’s research, if only 1 in 3 hunters or shooters would mentor 1 new hunter or shooter, it would ensure a stronger future in these areas. 

Learn more and take the +ONE Pledge

National Shooting Sports Month

The NSSF believes that National Shooting Sports Month (August) is a great time to invite someone new to the shooting sports – whether it’s handguns, rifles or shotguns. Acording to the NSSF, “Research … shows that 24 million Americans are very interested in learning about the shooting sports, making National Shooting Sports Month the perfect time for someone to give target shooting a try.”

Learn more and get involved.

Gun Owners Care: The Ladies of AOB Talk about Tradition First Shots National Shooting Sports Month ONE Movement
Gun Owners Care NSSF

If you’re a gun owner who also believes in tradition, please consider joining this national movement by contributing $25, and will receive a GOC hat, window decal and booklet. The NSSF calls these items a “badge of honor” for gun owners who care. Also, gun owners are encouraged to tell their stories of safe gun handling and ownership with this hashtag: #GunOwnersCare.

Thanks to the women of American Outdoor Brands for participating in this video: Ronelle Franklin, Emily Stuchell, Alex Walters, Kelsey Jones and Stephanie Meador.

Learn more about Gun Owners Care here.

Part 1: GOC about Safety.

Part 2: GOC about Community.

Part 3: GOC about Conservation.

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.